Container World has the capability to convert our popular container products into just about any type of modified unit

Advantages of Container Conversions


High-quality, Bespoke Container Conversions

Our unique and professional facilities consist of paved and clean yards in virtually every location we have a branch, as well as our own covered workshops and enclosed spray-booths (located in Durban, Johannesburg, and Cape Town) which gives us the ability to provide clients with high-quality, bespoke container conversions and modifications that are done to a standard you will not find anywhere else.
converted containers
container world

Economical Solutions

We pride ourselves on the high quality of our workmanship, but we understand that often our clients have budgetary constraints. Please don’t let this be a hindrance to getting any container conversion done to the specification you require, as Container World will sit with you and work out the most economical means of providing you with the conversion you require.